Mike Hedges AM backs democracy week with call for UK Government to scrap plans that would suppress voter turnout

Local AM Mike Hedges AM has called on the UK Government to scrap controversial plans to prevent people from voting unless they carry photographic ID at polling stations.

This week (14-20 of October) is national democracy week which is about local representatives using their experience, insight and passion in their communities to increase democratic participation.

The Assembly Member believes that UK Government proposals announced in the recent Queens Speech will see millions of voters unable to cast their vote. The Electoral Commission has reported that 3.5 million electors – 7.5% of the electorate – would have no acceptable piece of photo ID. Under the government’s proposals, these voters would either be denied a vote entirely, or in other trial areas, required to produce multiple pieces of ID.

The proposals are in stark contrast to Welsh Labours successful campaign to allow sixteen and seventeen year olds to vote in the next Senedd elections.

Mike Hedges AM said “These plans risk denying residents in Swansea East the vote.”

“It is clear these proposals will disproportionately affect people on low incomes and other vulnerable groups. These are groups that have been most impacted by ten years of Tory austerity.”

“I am proud to be part of a Welsh Labour Party that wants to extend the franchise and has successfully campaigned for votes for 16 and 17 year olds.”

“I call upon the UK Government to think again about disentrancing voters in our community.”

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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