Assembly Member Mike Hedges Supports National Energy Action’s Warm and Safe Homes Campaign

Assembly Member Mike Hedges Supports National Energy Action’s Warm and Safe Homes Campaign
Local Assembly Member Mike Hedges has shown their support for National Energy Action’s Warm and Safe Homes Campaign. The annual winter initiative raises awareness of the problem of fuel poverty and the action needed to be taken at a policy level; as well as the help and support available locally for those struggling to heat their homes. It also highlights key messages around gas and electricity safety in the home.
One in four households in Wales are living in fuel poverty. That’s over 291,000 households that cannot afford to keep warm, or who are living in crippling debt to their energy supplier. Rising energy prices, poor energy efficiency, stagnant wages, and benefit changes are leaving many having to make the difficult choice between eating and heating their home. Fuel poverty is a catalyst for many economic, social and health problems, and can even cause death. 3,400 excess winter deaths occurred in the 2017/18 winter, a figure that doubled since the previous year. The World Health Organisations estimates that 30% of winter deaths are caused by cold housing.
Assembly Member Mike Hedges said:
“No one in Wales should be living in a cold home. With the cost of living increasing and energy prices rising, more needs to be done to help the most vulnerable in society. I hope that by supporting the Warm and Safe Homes Campaign, and highlighting these issues, we can work towards eradicating fuel poverty for good in Wales.”
The Welsh Assembly published its Fuel Poverty Strategy in 2010 with the aim of eradicating the problem by 2018. With 23% of people still living in fuel poverty in Wales, it is unlikely that this target is going to be met. National Energy Action (NEA) Cymru is calling for a revised strategy in order to adequately address the issue.
Carole Morgan-Jones, Director of NEA Cymru said:
“We are calling on the Welsh Government to address the problem of fuel poverty and fuel debt by recognising that the 2018 target will not be met. We welcome the investment the Welsh Government is making to improve the energy efficiency of up to 25,000 homes in Wales over the next 4 years. But whilst we know that energy inefficiency is a contributing factor to fuel poverty, this initiative alone will not solve the problem. We also need a new strategy outlining a much more joined-up approach by Welsh Government, local authorities, housing associations, advice and health services, as well as other public and voluntary organisations in society.”
To show your support on Twitter, use the #WarmandSafeHomesCampaign hash tag. For advice on keeping safe and warm in your home, go to

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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