Education Questions 23 May 2018 8. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on schools in Wales graded excellent by Estyn? OAQ52210

Education Questions 23 May 2018
8. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on schools in Wales graded excellent by Estyn? OAQ52210

Kirsty Williams AM 14:20:46

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Thank you, Mike. Over the 2010-17 inspection cycle, 175 schools received an ‘excellent’ judgment for either their performance or prospects for improvement, and 21 per cent of schools have been rated as ‘excellent’ for at least one judgment. I am pleased to see that there is so much excellence in the Welsh education system.88

Mike Hedges AM 14:21:09

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Can I thank the Cabinet Secretary for that response? Will the Cabinet Secretary join me in congratulating Cwmrhydyceirw on achieving ‘excellent’ in both categories in its recent inspection? Is the Cabinet Secretary considering visiting the school to see some of its excellent practice in action—excellent practice that was identified by Estyn in their report?89

Kirsty Williams AM 14:21:28

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Mike, I am always very pleased to see excellence wherever it is in our education system. I congratulate the school involved. It’s a testament to the hard work and dedication of the staff within that school and their determination to provide the very best educational opportunities for their pupils, and I would be very happy to visit that school. I would also be very happy to see them at the Estyn annual awards, which take place now every year, where those schools that have received an ‘excellent’ categorisation are brought together to celebrate and to share good practice.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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