Question to Lesley Griffiths, Electricty & Carbon Monoxide Safety 3 February 2016

Electrical   and Carbon Monoxide Safety
14:59 –   Mike Hedges
11.   Will the Minister make a statement on electrical and carbon monoxide safety   in privately rented properties? OAQ(4)0413(CTP)
14:59 –   Lesley Griffiths
Thank   you. The safety of tenants is of paramount importance. Electrical and carbon   monoxide safety are assessed under the housing health and safety rating   system.
14:59 –   Mike Hedges
Minister—oh,   sorry.
14:59 –   Lesley Griffiths
Local   authorities have a duty to take action where concerns are raised. The fitness   for human habitation obligation on landlords under the Renting Homes (Wales)   Act 2016 will strengthen the protection for residents.
14:59 –   Mike Hedges
Thank   you, Minister. Sorry for almost interrupting you there. As you remember, when   the housing Act was making its way through this place at Stage 1 and Stage 2,   there was a tremendous amount of concern across parties about electrical and   carbon monoxide safety within properties. We raised it at Stage 2, and a   number of Members raised it also at Stage 3. At that stage, you said that   regulations would be coming in in order to deal with electrical and carbon   monoxide safety. Can you give us an update on those regulations?
15:00 –   Lesley Griffiths
I   assume you’re referring to the renting homes Act, not the housing Act,   because I didn’t take the housing Act through, but I did take the renting   homes Act through. I know that it was something that was very important to   Members as we took the renting homes Bill through. Obviously, I can’t bind   the next Government, but I would expect that the first set of regulations   will require the installation of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and   electrical safety checks. Again, I would anticipate that regulations will   come in later this year—probably about the autumn.
I   thought Members would also be interested to hear that the UK Government   recently rejected an amendment to its housing and planning Bill that would   have required private landlords in England to ensure that their properties   are fit for human habitation. So, I’m very pleased that our Renting Homes   (Wales) Act 2016 includes this requirement, putting Wales ahead of England   once again in terms of protection for people who rent their homes.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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