First Welsh Government Bill becomes law

The first Welsh Government Bill passed under the National Assembly for Wales’ new law-making powers has received Royal Assent.

The Attorney General for England and Wales referred the Local Government Byelaws (Wales) Bill to the Supreme Court after the UK Government questioned its legality.

Her Majesty the Queen has now approved the Bill after the Supreme Court last week ruled, in a unanimous judgment, that the Bill does not exceed the powers of the National Assembly for Wales. The Bill now becomes the Local Government Byelaws (Wales) Act 2012.

The then Bill was the first to be passed by AMs since the National Assembly gained direct law-making powers following the Welsh referendum held on 3 March 2011.

The Act will empower local authorities in Wales to take ownership of local laws by simplifying and localising procedures for making, confirming and enforcing local authority byelaws; in doing so it removes the function of the Welsh Ministers and the Secretary of State to confirm certain byelaws. The aim, in addition, is to reduce the bureaucracy and length of time it currently takes to make and confirm byelaws – partly due to the requirement for confirmation by the Welsh Ministers.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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