Have your say on youth justice

Local AM Mike Hedges is urging Swansea residents to have their say on measures to tackle repeat offending by young people.

This week, the Welsh Government launched a consultation on “Prevention of Offending by Young People” to gather views from members of the public on introducing an Assembly Bill to strengthen the current support available for young people at risk of re-offending.

Speaking at the launch of the consultation, Swansea East AM Mike Hedges said:

“Although the number of first time entrants into the youth justice system is falling, we are seeing a sharp rise in the number of those reoffending. We need to take action to break the cycle of reoffending and ensure that those most at risk overcome the barriers they face. I would urge anyone with an interest in youth justice and community safety to have their say by getting involved in the consultation.”

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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