“Learning really does have the power to change people’s lives” Mike Hedges AM

“Learning really does have the power to change people’s lives” Mike Hedges AM

A local Assembly Member is encouraging residents to find out the benefits of adult learning. The Assembly Members is backing the Annual Adult Learning Week campaign.

Adult Learners’ Week (17-23 June) is an annual campaign coordinated by the Learning and Work Institute in partnership with Welsh Government. Each year over 10,000 adults in Wales participating in Adult Learners’ Week activities.

The campaign raises awareness of the value of adult learning, celebrates the achievements of learners and providers, and inspires more people to discover how learning can positively change their lives.

The Welsh Labour Government are committed to exploring how it can deliver a new Welsh right to Lifelong Learning.

The Welsh Government’s reforms to student finance has seen The OU reporting an increase in applications of almost 50% and an increase of more than a third in the number of part-time undergraduates receiving student support.

About half of the part-time students The Welsh Government are supporting this year will receive the maximum level of the maintenance grant and this makes all the difference for students with financial commitments. Wales is the only country in Europe to deliver equivalent maintenance support in loans and grants across modes and levels of study.

Mike Hedges AM said:
“Learning really does have the power to change people’s lives”
“Adult Learners Week is an opportunity to find out about the learning opportunities available. If you are looking to brush up on skills, gain confidence or get a degree there is an adult leaning opportunity for you”
Find out more about Adult Learners Week Here https://adultlearnersweek.wales/en/

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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