Mike backs Ofgem ‘Energy Shopping’ Campaign

Local AMs Mike Hedges and Julie James are backing a new campaign encouraging Swansea residents to go energy shopping and get the best deal on their gas and electricity bills.

The ‘Be An Energy Shopper’ campaign, launched by energy regulator Ofgem, comes after new figures released reveal that one in three (33%) people are concerned about how much they are paying for energy and more than half of consumers (53%) are confused by energy tariffs.

As part of the ‘Be An Energy Shopper’ campaign, Ofgem have launched an easy guide (www.goenergyshopping.co.uk) for consumers, designed to combat the confusion associated with energy tariffs as well as help customers check existing energy deals so they can get the best tariff.

Speaking at the launch of the campaign, Swansea East AM Mike Hedges said:

“The high cost of energy is a worry I hear regularly from Swansea residents, who are concerned about the spiralling cost of living we have seen in recent years.

“One of the best ways to combat high tariffs is to shop around for the best energy deals, and thanks to Ofgem’s new website to support consumers in doing this, finding the cheapest deal and tariff has never been easier.”

Dermot Nolan, CEO at Ofgem said:

“As a nation we have a huge appetite when it comes to savvy shopping and tracking down a good deal – we shop and compare prices for many things in life, yet we often don’t think to do the same when it comes to our energy bills.

“Previously, people found it difficult to compare tariffs and the process too time consuming but the recent reforms have changed things for the better.  With the introduction of ‘Be An Energy Shopper’ it has never been easier to go energy shopping and get a better deal on your gas and electricity.”

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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