Mike backs Welsh Government’s domestic abuse Christmas campaign

Swansea East Assembly Member Mike Hedges has today backed a publicity campaign warning that Christmas can be a catalyst for domestic abuse in families where there is already a cycle of abuse.

The Welsh Labour Government’s campaign, running under the strapline, “Don’t just wish for it to get better”, will run in the form of TV and poster advertising as well as social media throughout the month of December.

Speaking in relation to the campaign, Mike Hedges AM said:

“Domestic abuse can exist in many different forms in a relationship, whether it be physical, verbal, sexual or emotional abuse. Nevertheless, the message remains clear. Any form of domestic abuse is unacceptable and should not be tolerated.

“In recent years we have seen some positive progress made towards tackling and helping victims of domestic abuse in Wales, and domestic abuse charities and organisations have played a vital role in ensuring this.

“However, there is still much work to be done before we can truly eliminate domestic abuse for good in our society. If you know of someone who you suspect is a victim or perpetrator of domestic abuse, please don’t turn a blind eye to it.”

The Welsh Government’s Minister for Communities, Carl Sargeant said:

“This campaign sends a clear message that if you see the signs of domestic abuse, not just to hope for the abuse to get better and go away, as it won’t. Our message is to heed the warning signs, take action and seek help or the consequences could be life changing.

“As a society we cannot hope to address this issue until it is recognised by those affected and by society more widely. The Welsh Government is committed to tackling all forms of domestic abuse.”

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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