Mike Hedges AM asks for statement on Digitalisation Program for the Public Sector in Wales.

Mike Hedges AM asks for statement on Digitalisation Program for the Public Sector in Wales.

Speaking after the Plenary, Swansea East AM Mike Hedges said… I have long supported the Digitalisation Program of the Welsh Government and across the Welsh Public Sector. It is important that we receive statements on its progress so that we can clarify where things are going well –and publicise them – and check where things are not going so well so we can identify solutions. I look forward to the Ministers Statement in the near future.

Questions to the Government Business Manager 9 October 2018

Mike Hedges AM – I would like to ask for two statements. One is a Government statement providing an update on Welsh Government support and progress with the digitisation programme across the whole of the Welsh public sector

Julie James AM – In terms of digitisation, I am actually planning to make a statement on digital transformation sometime before Christmas, so I’ll make sure that that gets timetabled accordingly.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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