Mike Hedges AM welcomes Help for former Armed Forces Members to find housing


Plans to help former members of the Armed Forces community and Service personnel transferring back into civilian life find suitable accommodation and avoid homelessness have been announced by Welsh Labour’s Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children Carl Sargeant.


Mike said…. ‘I welcome this news which will ensure that our armed service personnel are supported when they leave the forces. I am aware of the difficulties faced by some former service personel; I have heard heart breaking stories from local residents. This new initiative will see people to whom we owe a debt better supported.’


The Housing Pathway has been developed with the housing and Armed Forces sector who have highlighted that one of the key concerns highlighted on leaving the Services was suitable accommodation for them and their families and the support available. The Pathway aims to help Service personnel and their families make an informed choice of their accommodation options on return to civilian life.


The Housing Pathway is available here and will be sent to all key partners, including the Ministry of Defence, for further circulation to Service personnel during their transition period.



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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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