Mike Hedges AM welcomes More than £2.5m to deliver care closer to home and help people to live independently in Western Bay area

Mike Hedges AM welcomes More than £2.5m to deliver care closer to home and help people to live independently in Western Bay area
Housing and Local Government Minister Julie James has announced more than £2.5m of funding for projects to improve care and support services across Swansea, Neath Port Talbot and Bridgend.

Mike Hedges AM says… ‘This is a marvellous announcement for people living in the Western Bay area, including my constituents. I particularly welcome the money for supporting hospital discharge and to support people in their own homes. This is vital if people are not to remain in hospital for too long, losing skills and confidence in the process. Money for adolescent mental health is also welcome as there is a definite gap in service provision for teenage mental health services.

This package shows the Welsh Labour Government delivering for the people of Wales’

The funding allocation includes:
• More than £650,000 for specialist equipment and assistive technology to support early hospital discharge, prevent hospital admissions and support people to remain safe in their own homes
• More than £620,000 for the development of specialist supported living schemes in Bridgend and Neath Port Talbot
• More than £200,000 to relocate and transform the Children’s Home in Ty Nant in Swansea
• £270,000 to refurbish a ward at Tonna Hospital in Neath, to ensure the Integrated Autism Service has close links with mental health services
• £285,000 towards the costs of development of Bridgend Wellbeing Hub which will provide multi-agency prevention and wellbeing support
• More than £560,000 to create new accommodation for the Integrated Autism Service, Neuro-Developmental, Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services and Multi-Agency Placement Support Services within Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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