Mike Hedges AM welcomes news that A derelict theatre which hosted stars like Charlie Chaplin and Sir Anthony Hopkins is to get a £5m redevelopment.

Mike Hedges AM welcomes news that A derelict theatre which hosted stars like Charlie Chaplin and Sir Anthony Hopkins is to get a £5m redevelopment.

Mike Hedges AM said… this is great news; I have had many people over the years ask about what is happening with the Palace and it is always a shame to have to say that it has been in private ownership for many years and there is little the council can do to force the owner to bring the site back into use. This news is particularly welcome following the recent fire.
I hope that in due course money can be accessed to develop other similar listed buildings like Dambert House in Morriston, and St John’s Church which are also in a state of disrepair with little interest shown by the owners in dealing with issues in their properties.
Swansea’s Palace Theatre was built in 1888 and welcomed the likes of Laurel and Hardy and Morecambe and Wise.
However since being left empty in 2006, it has become a decaying wreck, cordoned off and targeted by vandals.
Now Swansea council is to take ownership of the Grade II-listed building to develop community, office and retail space inside.
The authority plans to fully restore the building’s “iconic” facade while developing a “fully modern interior” over the next three years.
The announcement comes just days after firefighters were called to the building on High Street following a suspected arson attack.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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