Mike Hedges and Llansamlet Councillors welcome Road Safety investment in Llansamlet

Mike Hedges and Llansamlet Councillors welcome Road Safety investment in Llansamlet

Welsh Government has announced that Llansamlet has been successful with a Safe Routes to School application which see an extra £214,000 available to improve road safety in the areas near to Trallwn and Talycoppa Primary Schools. The money will be spent on –
• Construction of Park and Stride facility for Trallwn Primary
• New traffic lights for narrow railway bridge with no pavement
• Construction of new pedestrian crossings on Peniel Green Road
• Other footpath improvements in the area
• Introduction of 20 MPH zones near Trallwn and Talycoppa Primaries
• Provision of Cycle storage areas at both schools
• New traffic regulations to restrict parking on pavements near both schools

Mike Hedges said ‘We are very pleased that this money has been approved; we have been campaigning for a long time for these improvements; Llansamlet Councillors commented ‘we are very pleased with the outcomes from this application. We have dealt with many parents of children at these schools who have expressed concern over poor road safety in these areas – it will be good news for local children and for people living close to the schools, who should see some improvements relating to parking in the vicinity of the schools.


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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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