Mike Hedges MS welcomes first steps towards delivering the Young Person’s Guarantee  

Mike Hedges MS welcomes first steps towards delivering the Young Person’s Guarantee


Member of the Senedd for Swansea East, Swansea East , has welcomed the Economy Minister’s announcement outlining the initial steps the Welsh Labour Government is taking to deliver one of its key election pledges.


In his oral statement to the Senedd on Tuesday [29 June], Welsh Labour’s Economy Minister, Vaughan Gething shared the initial steps that he’s taking to ensure that the Party’s ambitious Young Person’s Guarantee is successful.


This includes:

  • Ensuring young people’s voices are at the heart of the development of the guarantee, to do this the Minister will over the summer:
    • Hold a national conversation with young people.
    • Commence a consultation with young people and stakeholders.
  • Asking Working Wales to become the gateway into the Young Person’s Guarantee, building on their already strong and successful model of delivering careers guidance and signposting support.
    • From 30 September, they will have a team in place to start to track and monitor our offer as it develops.
  • Providing young people with access to the right support to help them overcome barriers to start up and increase the sustainability of new ventures.  Business Wales, with tailored help through Big Ideas Wales, will provide young people with this support.
  • Working Wales beginning a new job matching pilot. This pilot will assist young people supported by Working Wales with securing employment and help employers to fill their vacancies.
    • This pilot has started in North Wales and Cardiff, and all employers with vacancies in these areas are encouraged to contact Working Wales.
  • A “call to action” across the Welsh public sector, the third sector, the private sector, education and training sectors, and the Department for Work and Pensions.


Member of the Senedd for Swansea East, Mike Hedges, said:


“At the Senedd election in May I stood on a platform that promised to ensure that no young person would be left behind as a result of the pandemic, so I’m really pleased that our Welsh Labour Government is already taking the initial steps to deliver this key commitment to the people of Wales.


“As young people navigate their way into the world of work and decide what they want to do next this support will be crucial to start and potentially change their story.


“It is more important than ever that young people are supported to gain the skills and experience they need to succeed, whether that’s in employment, education or starting their own business. This will make a real difference.”


Speaking in the Senedd chamber, Welsh Labour’s Minister for Economy, Vaughan Gething, said:


“With this guarantee, I want to ensure that there is no lost generation in Wales.


The young person’s guarantee is a key part of our efforts to help young people enter and navigate their way into and through the world of work. I’m committed to giving young people the support that they need to start and change their story, supporting their journey as they leave school, as they move into or leave college or university, and supporting those that are facing unemployment or even redundancy.


“We know that our young people hold the key to Wales’s future success. It’s their talents, skills and creativity that are essential to ensure our country’s growth and competitiveness. As a nation, we still face huge challenges now and when the pandemic is finally over.”




Notes to editors:


The Welsh Government’s Programme for Government commits to delivering a Young Person’s Guarantee. This is an ambitious programme that is intended to provide everyone under 25 across Wales, with an offer of support into:

  • Work;
  • Education;
  • Training; or
  • Self-employment.




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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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