Mike Hedges MS welcomes over 3000 grants to Swansea organisations to support City through Corona Virus Crisis

Mike Hedges MS welcomes over 3000 grants to Swansea organisations to support City through Corona Virus Crisis


Speaking after the Welsh Senedd Supplimentry Budget was released, Local MS Mike Hedges said… ‘this budget and the £43 million of grants directed to Swansea show the commitment of the Welsh Government to supporting the Welsh Economy and Welsh people through this virus crisis. Corona Virus has presented our communities with the biggest challenge since the end of World War II; we know that it is going to be a big challenge to deal with all of the difficult issues coming out of lockdown will present. This budget and the support for Swansea puts the City in a strong position to weather the storm and emerge with its economy intact and ready for new challenges.’

The Finance Minister Rebecca Evans will set out the extraordinary steps the Welsh Government has taken to dedicate more than £2.4bn to the coronavirus crisis when the supplementary budget is published later today. (27 May)

This significant financial effort has not only provided more than £750m to fund our NHS and public service response, supporting the supply of PPE, investment in testing and tracing and NHS recruitment, but also helped to deliver the most generous business support package in the UK.

The latest figures out today show that more than 52,000 grants, totalling £640m have been paid to businesses in Wales, who are also benefitting from rates relief through the £1.4bn package announced in March.


Swansea 3,445 grants Total Value £43,390,000

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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