Mike Hedges MS welcomes Team Wales approach to tackle climate change.

Mike Hedges MS welcomes Team Wales approach to tackle climate change.


Speaking from his Morriston Office, Local MS Mike Hedges who chairs the Senedd Climate Change Committee said I am proud that Wales is leading the way towards a low carbon economy. To achieve a low carbon economy all areas of the public sector will have to cooperate and this ‘ Team Wales approach’ sets us off on this path. I look forward to following the success of The Partnership council with interest’.


The Welsh Labour Government has welcomed a ‘team Wales’ approach across the whole public sector to realise the ambition of becoming a low carbon economy and help to tackle climate change.

Climate change is one of the defining issues of our time, with the Welsh Labour Government and over half of all local authorities having declared a climate emergency to date.

The ‘team Wales’ approach will be headed by the Partnership Council for Wales (the Partnership Council); made up of representatives of local authorities, NHS, Fire and Rescue Authorities (FRAs), town and community councils, the voluntary sector, Police and Crime Commissioners and Welsh Government.

The Partnership Council is the formal statutory vehicle for Welsh public services to work together on key issues for Wales, including climate change. The approach will allow these public bodies to work together to maximise resources, develop consistent communications and minimise duplication on the path to net-zero. Building on the good work already underway across Wales, including energy efficiency and renewable energy projects supported by the Welsh Government Energy Service and Wales Funding Programme.

You can read more about the announcement here.



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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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