Mike Hedges speech to Senedd 15 May 2015

Mike Hedges Speech – Senedd May 15th 2015

3th May 2015 Plenary Session at 18:38
Mike Hedges
Firstly, can I thank Suzy Davies for giving me a minute in what I think is a very important debate? I’d like to talk about the role that further education colleges have traditionally played for 14 to 16-year-olds and not just 16-year-olds. Perhaps the Deputy Minister can tell us the current position of the 14-19 pathway.

I have three quick case studies from my teaching experience: a pupil who refused to attend school, because he was being bullied, attended college, passed several GCSEs to grade A and then passed one A-level at grade A, had a distinction at BTEC national, leading to acceptance at Aberystwyth University; a pupil who had difficulties in school and was a school refuser, who passed a first diploma, then a national diploma and then moved on to full time employment; a pupil who was asked to leave school for hitting a teacher, who wouldn’t let him leave the class. He completed four GCSEs at grade C, progressed to training and became a plumber. Although, when I was teaching, I did tell him that if he ever wanted to leave, I would not stop him.

The point I’m trying to make is that education other than at school should not mean that pupils cannot be successful. I think that really is the key: we want them to succeed. Schools don’t always suit everybody, but we want every child to fulfil their potential.


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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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