Mike Hedges urges Domestic abuse and sexual violence survivors to seek help during firebreak lockdown

Mike Hedges urges Domestic abuse and sexual violence survivors to seek help during firebreak lockdown

Speaking from his Morriston Office, local Senedd Member, Mike Hedges said… ‘we know that times when families spend time together for prolonged periods of time, can lead to increased stress within relationships, and sadly, increased levels of domestic violence I have met with women who have livd with violent and contolling partners. These stores have left an indeligable image on my mind. No person should have to live in a vilent or controlling relationship.

I would urge people living in this sort of relationship to seek help with the sort of support groups listed below. PLEASE DO NOT LIVE IN FEAR – PLEASE SEEK HELP’

Earlier this week, in a direct plea which comes as Wales moves towards the firebreak lockdown, Welsh Labour’s Deputy Minister and Chief Whip, Jane Hutt, asked friends and neighbours to look out for signs of domestic abuse, and encouraged victims and survivors to seek help and escape from their homes if necessary.

Specialist services remain open and are available to help victims of harm or abuse during the fire-break lockdown. Perpetrator services, which work to prevent incidents of domestic abuse from happening, also remain open and will continue to provide support.

If you or someone you know is suffering physical or emotional abuse at the hands of a partner, here are some ways to get help:
• The Live Fear Free helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – call free on 0808 8010 800 any time, if you can do it safely. You can also text 0786 007 7333, email [email protected] or webchat – https://gov.wales/live-fear-free/contact-live-fear-free.
• If you can’t talk in safety, but you need help immediately, police forces across Wales will respond to a silent 999 call – dial 999, followed by 55 when the operator answers to indicate that you can’t talk, but need help.
• Signs that abuse is happening behind closed doors could include repeated shouting, sounds of things being hit, smashed or broken, and continuing crying or pleas to stop. Victims might have cuts or bruises, look confused or dishevelled, or be anxious or withdrawn.
• If you suspect that someone, whether child or adult, is suffering abuse, harm, neglect, harassment, control, physical violence or emotional abuse at the hands of a family member or partner, please call 999 if it’s an emergency, or seek support on Welsh Government’s ‘reporting suspected abuse, harm or neglect site’ here – https://gov.wales/reporting-suspected-abuse-harm-or-neglect-safeguarding.
• If you are worried about your own behaviour, you can get non-judgemental help by contacting the Respect Phoneline: https://respectphoneline.org.uk/ Tel: 0808 8024 040

You can read more about this announcement here.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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