Mike Hedges welcomes ‘Know your employment rights and responsibilities’ new campaign.

Mike Hedges welcomes ‘Know your employment rights and responsibilities’ new campaign. 


Speaking from his Morriston Office, local MS Mike Hedges said… ‘All employees should be in a Trade Union; this is one of the truest statements I can make as a Senedd Member. So many of the things we take for granted in the work place – Health and Safety legislation, over time payments, paid holidays, all came about because of the work of Trade Unions. This is in addition to supporting workers in the work place to ensure that they have access to high quality advice when dealing with employment matters. The advice remains sound! I would urge all people to join a union at their work place. Hopefully they will never need the support of the Union, but it will always be there for them, join it, play your part and make it stronger!’

Against the backdrop of COVID-19, Welsh Labour’s Deputy Minister for Housing and Local Government, Hannah Blythyn has announced a new campaign to strengthen the knowledge and understanding of workplace rights and responsibilities.  

The Welsh Government has teamed up with Social Partners, the Wales TUC, FSB, CBI, South Wales Chamber of Commerce and other key partners, Acas and Citizens Advice, to launch a campaign to increase awareness of the expert workforce support available for both workers and businesses.

The campaign highlights the importance of employers, workers and trade unions collectively working together to make workplaces a better, safer and fairer place for all. 

As well as directing workers and employers to specialist information and advice, workers are being encouraged to join a Trade Union as the best way to protect their rights at work. Employers meanwhile are urged to seek membership with a business representative organisation where professional advice and support can be sought.

To find out more about the expert support available head to businesswales.gov.wales/skillsgateway/workforce-rights-and-responsibilities.

You can read more about this announcement here 


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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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