Mike Hedges welcomes New GP indemnity scheme in Wales which moves a step closer

Mike Hedges welcomes New GP indemnity scheme in Wales which moves a step closer

Mike Hedges said… I have hosted several events for the BMA which have focussed on issues to do with GP services in Wales. In each of these the issues of recruiting new GP’s has been an issue and prominent amongst the barriers to attracting new GP’s to the profession has been a host of issues to do with the indemnity scheme. The news of this state backed scheme is welcome indeed. I hope that it eases the recruitment problems faced by many GP practices.

Health Minister, Vaughan Gething has today confirmed a key step forward in delivering the new state backed scheme to provide clinical negligence indemnity for GPs in Wales.

Speaking at the Welsh NHS Confederation annual conference today in Cardiff, the Health Minister confirmed NHS Shared Services Partnership – Legal and Risk Services as the partner to operate the

Future Liability Scheme (FLS) from April 1 this year. They currently manage the indemnity arrangements for GPs working out of hours and secondary care indemnity.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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