Mike Hedges Welcomes new requirements to ensure care workers are treated fairly

Mike Hedges Welcomes new requirements to ensure care workers are treated fairly.
New requirements to ensure care staff who look after people in their own homes are treated fairly and people receiving care experience the best possible services come into force today, the Welsh Government has confirmed.

Mike Hedges said….. ‘I welcome these new rules to protect workers within the Care Sector from being exploited by employers. We know they provide a vital service to many individuals and families but for too long they have had to work with little job security and with travel time often not paid or considered not part of their working hours. These new rules ensure that workers in the care industry are properly supported to do their vital work.’

The new requirements are part of the Welsh Government’s wider efforts to support the delivery of high quality social care which is focused on the individual and the personal outcomes they want to achieve.
The new regulations support good employment practices by addressing the use of zero-hours contracts. From today, providers are required to give domiciliary care workers a choice of contract after a three month period of employment.
The regulations also place requirements on these providers to ensure that time allocated for travel and care is clearly and transparently set out, so that care time and therefore the quality and continuity of care is not eroded by the need to travel between visits.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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