Mike Hedges welcomes news that Life-saving medical equipment has been flown to India from Scotland and Wales to help the country deal with its Covid-19 crisis.

Mike Hedges welcomes news that Life-saving medical equipment has been flown to India from Scotland and Wales to help the country deal with its Covid-19 crisis.

Speaking from his Morriston Office, Mike Hedges MS said… ‘ I welcome the fact that the Welsh and Scottish Government have joined the international effort to send aid to India as it struggles with the COVID Pandemic. We should always look to help others in distress, and I am sure that everyone will have found it hard to watch the scenes from hospitals in India. 

Wales should be an outward looking country which seeks to play its part in international aid efforts. I am proud to support a Welsh Government helping some of the poorest people in the world in their hour of need.’


The Scottish government provided 100 oxygen concentrators and 40 

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) ventilators which arrived on Friday.

The Welsh government sent 638 oxygen concentrators and 351 ventilators which arrived earlier this week.

The operation is being funded by the Foreign Office.

The devices can be used in hospitals, intensive care wards or other locations and are ideally suited to treat Covid-19 patients when there are constraints on the medical gas infrastructure supply.

They will be distributed by the Indian Red Cross.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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