Mike seeks assurances from Chancellor over DVLA jobs

Further to the Autumn Statement, Swansea’s Labour AM Mike Hedges has today written to Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne to seek assurances that the announcement to phase out of car tax discs will not lead to job losses at the DVLA HQ in Swansea.

The decision to end paper car tax discs, which is part of the UK Government’s austerity agenda to reduce £3bn over the next three years from Whitehall departments, was announced earlier today by the Chancellor during his annual Autumn Statement to the House of Commons.

Speaking on the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement and it’s consequences on Wales, local AM Mike Hedges said:

“Further to the Chancellor’s announcement that the UK Government will be wiping out paper car tax discs in a move to slice admin costs, I have today written to George Osborne to seek his personal assurance that this will not result in any job losses or compulsory redundancies at the DVLA HQ in Swansea.

“The DVLA is a major employer in Swansea and the surrounding area, providing around 5,000 local jobs. I will be working closely with Sian James MP and trade union representatives over the next few months to ensure that this latest austerity-driven policy from Westminster has no impact on jobs at the Swansea base.”

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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