Mike welcomes £5m help for businesses

Two new business rates support schemes designed to revitalise and invigorate Welsh high streets and town centres have today received the backing of Swansea East AM, Mike Hedges.

The two new schemes, entitled “Open for Business” and “New Developments”, were launched this week by Economy Minister Edwina Hart in response to the recommendations set out by a Task and Finish Group set up to look at how business rates could be used to encourage economic development. Together, they represent an investment of over £5m by the Welsh Government.

Commenting on the new schemes, Swansea AM Mike Hedges said:

“The two new schemes will come as welcome news for our local high streets, especially as many businesses have been struggling recently due to the hard economic times.

“The schemes offer both a pragmatic and sensible way of how the Welsh Government can help shops and businesses, as well as assist in revitalising our town centres and high streets.

“I look forward to seeing the schemes come into action to help support businesses as well as promote economic growth and job creation, so that we can show that Swansea really is open for business.”

Economy Minister Edwina Hart said:

 “These two schemes send a clear message that Wales is open for business and will provide an incentive to construction and the reoccupation of long-term empty properties.

“In addition, Open for Business will support all businesses considering a move into a long term vacant retail property, for example businesses in the first year of trading or those considering a move closer to a town centre.”

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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