Mike welcomes Big Lottery funding for SCVS

Swansea East Assembly Member Mike Hedges has today welcomed the news that the Swansea Council for Voluntary Service (SCVS) are set to receive a funding grant worth £783,542 thanks to the Big Lottery Fund’s “Community Voice” programme.

Under the latest round of Big Lottery funding, a total of 10 voluntary councils from across Wales will share funding worth over £11million, which is designed to help communities influence local services, policies and decisions that affect them.

The funding allocated to the SCVS will go towards supporting 7 Swansea-based projects over a four year period, all of which are linked to Swansea’s involvement in the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) European Healthy City Network scheme.

Speaking on the funding announcement, Swansea AM Mike Hedges said:

“It’s important that people are given the chance to have their say about local decisions that affect them and their communities. The Community Voice programme recognises this and helps to empower local communities to have a real say over their future.

“The SCVS, in coalition with its voluntary groups and volunteers, provide an invaluable service in helping and supporting communities up and down the Swansea area. The funding announced today will not only compliment their current work but will also allow more Swansea communities to benefit as a direct result.”

Director of the Big Lottery Fund Wales, John Rose said:

“The funding announced today will provide more of an opportunity for Welsh communities to get their voice heard. It is about people speaking out to influence the decisions that affect their community and their own lives.

“Community Voice will support them to become more sustainable and resilient to future economic, social and environmental challenges as well as developing a stronger sense of community.”

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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