Mike welcomes Flying Start boost for Swansea children

Swansea East’s Labour AM Mike Hedges today welcomed figures released by the Welsh Government that show a record 23,000 children living in Wales’ most deprived communities are benefitting from a flagship scheme that helps them have the right start in life.

The news was announced earlier today by Deputy Minister for Tackling Poverty Vaughan Gething, as he informed Assembly Members that the Welsh Government’s £279 million commitment to expand Flying Start is on target to reach more families than ever before.

Flying Start offers eligible parents free quality childcare for children under the age of four, parenting support, an enhanced health visitor service and help with their children’s early language development. The latest figures realised show that 1,492 children living in the Swansea area received Flying Start services between 2012 -2013.

Commenting on the announcement, local AM Mike Hedges said:

“Today’s announcement shows just how serious the Welsh Government is when it comes to tackling poverty and attainment by giving our children the best start in life, which is what every parent wants.

“The Flying Start initiative has already had a real, positive impact on thousands of young children and families throughout Swansea, and I’ve no doubt that the Welsh Government’s commitment to expand the programme in our City will allow even more Swansea children to get that ‘flying start’ in life they deserve.” 

Deputy Minister for Tackling Poverty Vaughan Gething said:

“I am delighted to be able to say that we are on track to deliver our commitment to double the number of children that benefit from Flying Start, one of our key commitments to the people of Wales.

“By 2016 we want to see 36,000 children, that’s one in four of all children in Wales below the age of four, benefiting from Flying Start. I have personally been to a number of Flying Start settings across the country where parents have told me that they have seen real improvements in their children’s language, social and emotional skills. Our aim is for children, no matter where they are born, to have the same start and opportunities in life as others.”

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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