Mike welcomes funding boost for local Post Office

Swansea East Assembly Member Mike Hedges has today welcomed the news that Birchgrove Post Office was successful in their application for a funding boost from the Welsh Government to upgrade services.

Birchgrove Post Office is one of many across Wales to have been awarded part of a combined grant of £526,698 to help sub-postmasters and sub-postmistresses diversify and improve their facility.

Assembly Member for the area, Mike Hedges AM said:

“I am delighted that Birchgrove Post Office is to receive this money that has been earmarked for a fruit and veg chiller, photocopier, CCTV equipment, signage, disabled parking, handrails and external chairs.

“It’s great that the Welsh Government is supporting post offices in this way and helping them diversify from their current services. Many service-users will benefit from this funding boost. Post Offices are often a lifeline for vulnerable people and it’s important they are kept at the heart of the community.”
Minister for Local Government and Communities, Carl Sargeant, added:

“Post offices provide a range of services to local communities, the loss of which could see those communities suffer social or financial exclusion.

“I am delighted that 48 post offices have benefitted from capital grants from this latest round of PODF with a further 10 post offices benefiting from revenue grants for business advice. I am sure the scheme will continue to provide much needed support to sub postmasters and postmistresses so that whilst maintaining their current business they can expand on the services they offer their local communities.”

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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