Mike welcomes investment in technology and equipment at Morriston Hospital

Swansea East AM Mike Hedges has today welcomed the news from Health Minister Lesley Griffiths that Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board will benefit from investment worth £1.2million in new equipment and technology, thanks to the Welsh Government.

Under the investment, Morriston Hospital in Swansea will receive new defibrillators for the Accident and Emergency Unit, along with more patient beds for the Burns and Plastics Unit.

The investment will also go towards upgrading and improving PCs and laptops in clinical areas, as well as contribute towards installing a wireless network at Morriston to allow more mobile devices on wards at the hospital.

Speaking on the news from the Senedd, local AM Mike Hedges said:

“State of the art IT and medical equipment both play a significant role in improving and contributing to patient safety and services. I’m therefore delighted that Morriston Hospital will be benefitting from this investment, and I look forward to seeing continued NHS investment in Swansea in the near future.”

Health Minister, Lesley Griffiths, said:

“Delivering safe, sustainable, high quality NHS services means having access to the latest technology on wards, so that staff can provide better, more integrated care. I’m delighted to announce the funding.”

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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