Mike welcomes new equalities funding to promote fairer communities

A City AM is today calling on Swansea-based charities and third sector groups to throw their hats into the ring for a slice of Welsh Government funding designed to tackle discrimination and promote equality.  

The Advancing Equalities and Inclusion Fund, which was launched earlier today by Communities Minister Jeff Cuthbert AM, will be available for projects to bid for up to £1.6million to tackle issues such as hate crime and discrimination, as well as support marginalised groups in the community.

Speaking on the launch of the fund, Swansea East AM Mike Hedges said:

“We all want to live in an equal and tolerant society, free from discrimination or stigmatisation. That’s exactly what this new fund is here to help with – creating a fairer society in Swansea and throughout Wales.

“I would encourage any Swansea-based charity or voluntary group, who is interested in promoting equality and understanding in our communities, to throw their hat into the ring for a possible slice of this funding.” 

Communities & Tackling Poverty Minister Jeff Cuthbert said:

“We want Wales to be a country built on fairness and equality. This means zero-tolerance of discrimination and helping people from different backgrounds live together. Supporting projects that encourage equality and understanding in our communities will be central to this. I look forward to seeing suggestions that make a real difference to people’s lives and help our communities prosper.

“We are doing this against a backdrop of a tough economic climate and cuts to our budget, so we need to make every penny of public money count and ensure that this funding delivers on the ground and people see a difference to their lives.”

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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