Mike welcomes victory for Visteon pensioners campaign

Swansea AM Mike Hedges has today warmly welcomed the news that a settlement worth millions of pounds for former Visteon workers has been agreed between Ford and Unite the Union.

The settlement follows lengthy legal action taken out by former Visteon workers with their trade union, Unite, following the administration of Visteon UK in 2009, leaving thousands of workers in Swansea, Basildon, Enfield and Belfast without a job and with a reduction in their pensions.

Welcoming today’s news and settlement, Swansea East AM and Member of the Assembly Cross Party Group in Support of Visteon Pensioners, Mike Hedges said:

“This is fantastic news for not just the ex-Visteon and Ford workers, but also for their families, friends and supporters, who have spent years campaigning and fighting for justice.  

“I’m pleased that a successful outcome has finally been reached, which will see thousands of ex-workers who gave years of hard work and service to Ford and Visteon, fairly and justly compensated as a result of their pension losses.”

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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