Press Release Blaenymaes Community Centre Awards for All Success

Mike Hedges AM welcomes news that Blaenymaes Community Centre has been successful in a small lottery grant application to the Awards for All Scheme.


Mike said…. ‘I am so pleased for Blaenymaes Community Centre. This is a marvellous scheme for small groups; it is an easy to apply for and designed for small groups. I have visited many schemes which have befitted from these Awards for All. I would urge all small voluntary sector groups to seek advice and apply!’


£ 2,215

Blaenymaes Community Centre 04.07.2017

Essential cleaning equipment for the upkeep of Blaen Y Maes

Arian i Bawb/Awards for All Wales 09

Bydd Canolfan Gymunedol Blaenymaes yn Abertawe’n defnyddio’r grant i ddarparu cyfleusterau gwell ar gyfer grwpiau

defnyddwyr er mwyn bodloni gofynion iechyd a diogelwch. Bydd y grant hwn o £2,215 yn talu am beiriant glanhau’r llawr a

sugnydd llwch.

Blaenymaes Community Centre in Swansea will use the grant to provide improved facilities for user groups, in order to meet

health and safety requirements. This grant for £2,215 will fund a floor cleaner and a vacuum.


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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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