Press Release on House Building in Wales


Welsh Labour’s Housing minister, Lesley Griffiths, has welcomed new figures which have revealed another significant rise in house building activity in Wales.

Mike said……. I welcome the news that the number of new houses in Wales is on the increase. I am aware that there is a significant shortage of both family homes and homes for single people. These new homes will begin to close that gap.’

The latest statistics show that during the period April to June 2015 a total of 1,750 new homes were built in Wales – a rise of ten per cent on the same quarter last year.

The figures also reveal a continuing positive trend in house building activity in Wales. During 2014-15 a total of 6,955 new homes were started – a rise of 20 per cent on the previous year. This 20 per cent increase in new starts was the highest increase since 2007-08.

During April-June 2015, most new dwellings completed were three bedroom properties, accounting for 42 per cent of all completions.

The Welsh Labour Government’s successful £170 million Help to Buy-Wales scheme is playing a key role in kick-starting housebuilding in Wales. As well as helping people progress up the property ladder, the scheme has also proved to be great news for the housing industry, with 187 builders of all sizes now offering Help to Buy – Wales shared equity loans. Earlier this year, the Welsh Labour Government also set out its intention to extend the Help to Buy – Wales scheme to beyond 31 March 2016, to continue supporting buyers and builders throughout Wales.

The figures can be found here.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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