Press release on Refugee Collection point

Mike Hedges AM supports efforts by local people to collect items for refugees in Calais.

Mike Hedges has offered support to Swansea people collecting items to support refugees living in make shift camps in Calais. The Campaign which began with an appeal on Facebook has attracted support of over 3000 people in little over 24 hours. People can drop off food and clothing items to various collection points around the City including his office at 97 Pleasant Street, Morriston.

Mike said……. ‘ like everyone else I have been deeply affected by the events of this week and the picture of 3 year old Aylan Kurdi on the beach in Turkey. I welcome the efforts of these Swansea People in helping people in the Camps in Calais, and am happy to offer my office as a collection point.

Items of clothing, old camping items such as tents and sleeping bags etc will be gratefully received and passed on to the main collecting point.

We need to remember that the people in ramshackle camps in Calais are Human Beings and treat them accordingly.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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