Progress in tackling substance misues

Hundreds of lives have potentially been saved thanks to significant progress across Wales in the battle against drug and alcohol misuse in the last year, a report published this week shows.

The Welsh Labour Government’s Substance Misuse Annual Report gives an update on actions being undertaken nationally, regionally and locally against priorities in many areas from prevention and education to providing support for those with substance misuse issues and their families.

As well as a 10% fall in drug misuse related deaths in Wales in 2011, many more deaths were potentially prevented by the Take Home Naloxone Scheme, which was extended during the year to cover the whole of Wales . The scheme, which provides drug users with a kit containing emergency medication to reverse the effects of an overdose, dispensed 1460 kits during the year with 117 of these used. Drug related deaths in Wales reduced in 2011 by 10% – 137 deaths down from 152 in 2010.

Other developments over the year include capital support for 52 projects across Wales, the expansion of the DAN 24/7 drug and alcohol helpline, a Change4Life campaign targeted at high risk drinkers who see their drinking habits as harmless.

The Welsh Government’s 10 year Substance Misuse Strategy “Working Together to Reduce Harm” was published in 2008 and sets out a clear national agenda for tackling and reducing the harms associated with substance misuse in Wales.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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