Mike asks Assembly Question on Public Transport in Swansea (26.06.2012)

Question to the First Minister

Mike Hedges AM:
What action is the Welsh Government taking to encourage more people to use public transport in the Swansea Bay area?

Carwyn Jones AM:
We are committed to a sustainable transport policy and to the delivery of our priorities for public transport, as outlined in the national transport plan. For example, the modernised Swansea High Street train station recently reopened, which now provides significantly improved accessibility.

Mike Hedges AM:
I thank the First Minister for his response. Substantial work on public transport has been done by the Welsh Government in the Swansea area. Unfortunately, that has not been matched by the local bus company, which seems intent on closing down a whole range of bus services. What consideration have you given to implementing quality transport contract schemes for providers of public transport to sign up to when bidding for public contracts, in order to ensure that we have sustainable public transport in Swansea?

Carwyn Jones AM:
Provisions in the Transport Act 2000 provide powers for local authorities to make quality contract schemes, and set out requirements on the quality, timing and frequency of services covered by the scheme, as well as maximum fares. This is a matter for the local authority to pursue.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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