Sport in primary schools scheme launched

A new premier League School Sport programme will provide £600,000 over three years, for Swansea City and Cardiff City to encourage more children into sport and physical activity.

The emphasis of the new programme will be on providing fun, enjoyable experiences that raises enthusiasm for physical activity and increases participation in sport and football. The Premier League and Welsh Government are investing into the programme which will aim to give a major boost to primary school sport in Wales.

Funding will be provided for Swansea City and Cardiff City to deliver high quality curriculum time coaching aimed at improving physical literacy and fundamental movement skills. A fully trained and newly skilled Club workforce will also introduce pupils to football/sport coaching and provide competitive football opportunities.

Overall the programme aims to benefit 9,000 pupils in South Wales from 190 schools per year. The Premier League and Welsh Government will build on the findings of the recent Sport Wales school sport survey which showed that:

  • 58% of teachers agree more time should be devoted to PE at their school;
  • School is the most important place in which children learn the competence and confidence to participate in physical activity;
  • Making sport and physical activity enjoyable and fun is critical to boosting participation by children and young people.

This programme forms part of the Premier League strategy to fund its Clubs to be at the hub of their local community. Over £50m a year is invested by the Premier League in club delivered community activity that engages local people and helps to positively change lives.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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