Swansea Assembly Members welcome Welsh budget for jobs and growth

Creating jobs and growth in Swansea is at the heart of the Welsh Government’s spending plans, local Assembly Members Mike Hedges and Julie James have today said.

The Swansea AMs welcomed the Welsh Government’s spending plans as Finance Minister Jane Hutt unveiled her draft budget earlier this week.

Key measures in the Budget include:

• £65m for improving transport, £30m for hospitals and £25m for schools & colleges;
• An additional £10m in 2014-15 for high-speed broadband to ensure universal access by 2015;
• An additional £13m for capital investment in Flying Start;
• £12m to expand the Welsh Housing Partnership;
• £10m domestic energy efficiency;
• An additional £10m to support a programme of vital flood and coastal defence improvements across Wales

In a joint statement, Mike Hedges AM and Julie James AM said:

“This Welsh Government is determined to safeguard and create as many jobs as possible during these difficult economic times. While the Westminster Government continues to viciously cut public spending we are doing everything we can to shield our communities from the worst effects.”

Finance Minister Jane Hutt said:

“Our number one priority is to deliver a Budget for Growth and Jobs which will create a more prosperous Wales, by encouraging economic growth and creating and sustaining jobs. We want a Wales with a strong economy, a Wales with 21st Century networks for transport, IT and energy, a low-carbon Wales and a skilled and efficient Wales with strong public services.”

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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