Welsh Government launch consultation on building regulations

The Welsh Government’s Environment Minister, John Griffiths, has launched a consultation for simplifying and revising Building Regulation standards for new and existing domestic and non domestic buildings.

This will help to implement another of Welsh Government’s commitments to the people of Wales at the last Assembly elections, to develop changes to Building Regulations for new dwellings, working towards a 55% improvement in energy efficiency performance by 2013. Building Regulations influence emission reductions in new buildings and existing buildings in Wales. Improved standards increase the energy efficiency of buildings and so reduce energy demand and energy bills for consumers.

Higher standards will stimulate green job opportunities in Wales. As well as a direct benefit to suppliers and installers, new standards will provide opportunities for Welsh companies and encourage the development of skills and training. The 12 week consultation will run until 23 October 2012.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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