Mike Hedges MS Asks For Earlier Referral For Investigations Of People Who Exhibit Possible Signs Of Brain Tumors.

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Mike Hedges MS asks for earlier referral for investigations of people who exhibit possible signs of brain tumors.

Speaking from his Senedd Office, Local Swansea East MS said…. ‘ I have personal experience of the heartache family members experience when there is a late diagnosis of a brain tumour when perhaps earlier referral for tests might have enabled early diagnosis and treatment of the Tumour. I am pleased that the Welsh Government is rolling out the rapid diagnostic centres. I would urge people to be alert to symptoms which may be a symptom of a brain tumor and to seek an early referral for appropriate tests from their GP.’

Mike Hedges MS14:46:55



My mother had a brain tumour, which she sadly died from. The GP was treating her for a long period of time, in its early stages, for thyroid problems—having tests done on the thyroid. By the time she went into hospital, it was stage 4. It was only when it spread to other parts of the body that she was referred for a CT scan. I request that GPs are trained to identify the symptoms and then test for brain tumours, and not try and find something simpler. 125

Eluned Morgan MS14:47:25


Thanks very much, Mike, and I’m sorry to hear about your mother. I think what’s clear is we’ve got to be very careful, because, obviously, GPs see countless numbers of people with headaches or issues with balance or vague symptoms, such as fatigue, so it’s very difficult, I think, for them to be absolutely clear. And there is already very well recognised professional guidance in place for GPs from NICE to refer adults with progressive loss of central neurological function for urgent investigation. I’m sure you will be aware that the NHS in Wales is now rolling out rapid diagnostic centres to the whole population, and I’m pleased to say that, actually, that is being used and many, many people are now being referred.

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